South Africa Women’s day – 9 August 2023

Muizemberg colorful beach cabins, South Africa


Kyk regdeur my grasgroen oë,

die gebreekte glas van ‘n kwesbare sagte siel,

‘n brose vrou, muur en tralies om my vurige hart.

Ek is ‘n vrou wat vasklou aan die seën van Bo, aanhou glo en altyd hoop.

I was a girl, but now I am a woman.

The seasons of feminine, it is so hard to be brave,

to face life’s struggles and opportunities, for women in this troubled world.

I take my stand, like a lioness

defending my pride.

The beauty of life; you are not defined by your past,

it changes you as a woman, in ways that you can never imagine.

I hardened my shell, able to guard myself,

it shapes and moulds one into a better woman,

a soul-mate to your best friend, a sister, mother,

grandmother and the feminine leader of tomorrow.

Women – be confident in who and what you are,

you overcame many fears and embraced your struggle.

A lady of which nothing is ever too much to ask.

Life starts with a woman and women makes the home.

We teach our children to never apologise for their narrative,

because, you have the ability to leave a legacy – Your own unique story!

Own your truth and yourself – be it,

because your courage keeps us women together.

Ladies, we shine together. We speak up, we are strong and keep going.

Women can endure and persevere, even if we are hurting.

We cry when something is beautiful


can defend what is ours, within a second.

We dream together, we are passionate and

not afraid to show our strength, in a humble way.

We are smart and there’s no need to hide behind the beauty

make-up masked face, to fuel our greatest victories.

We are beautiful inside-out!

Die seisoene van vrou wees, is soos ‘n sonneblom: Soms op en soms af.

Om die wind te voel, die geure van ‘n roos, net ‘n droom.

Op soek na ‘n warm kombêrs in die koue, ‘n donker wolk.

Onsigbaar, net ‘n gevoel,

My engel, waar is jy?

Ek glimlag wanneer ek voel om te skree,

Ek sing wanneer ek voel om te huil,

Ek lag wanneer ek die gevolge vrees.

Breek die muur om my af,

omvou my,

ontferm jou oor my,

hou my vas en glo in my.

Met respek, is die tyd nou, ek is meer as net ‘n mens.

Ek is vrou.

Woman choose; Life and Beauty, Freedom with Creativity,

Love and Devotion.

Ladies are Nurturing and Intuitive, Kindness and Astute,

Finesse with Gentleness, Empathetic and Sincere!

We are the future. We bear the future. We raise the future.

We will stand tall, be brave and rise above all.

Feminine progress by supporting each other. We stand for peace and love.

Woman choose Joy above Fear, strong in will and character.

Together we will always have hope.

As the sun sets on this chapter,

the world accepts what woman are,

the way ladies are formed, and be appreciative of our

feminine touch and abilities.

There is only one world – this world needs to heal,

with the help of our natural sixth sense,

our nurturing characteristics are important

in shaping our next generations of boys and girls.

Woman are special; unique in so many ways.

The world must remember that our actions today influence our tomorrow.

As woman we choose to take our stand,

accept the challenges when our world are shaking

and trembling, it forces us to fly high.

We help to form a world that is beautiful on the inside

and in return, also being taken care of.

Hier is ek; met die volgende liefdes noodlysie:

Ek neem ‘n tydjie om lief te hê,

my hart is soms ‘n bietjie swart, blou en rooi gemeng, van die hande wat ek

daarmee toevertrou het.

Ek het seergekry, ek is bang en daarom beskerm ek

myself met hoë mure om my.

Maar, wanneer die muur omtuimel,

hoef jy nooit te twyfel nie.

My liefde vir jou is onvoorwaardelik


jou hart is veilig tuis.

Op hierdie oomblik met ‘n hart vol liefde,

sê ek vir jou,

Ek het jou lief!

The beauty of a woman is not her body only, but her mind, determination, heart and soul & attitude to life!

“Here’s to strong women: may we know them,

may we be them, may we raise them.” Unknown

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